Have you ever wondered how often you blink in a minute? Blinking is a natural and involuntary action of our eyes that occurs without us even realizing it. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of eye blinks and explore the surprising science behind how many blinks per minute we typically experience.

    When you think about blinking, you might consider it a simple reflex that keeps your eyes moisturized. However, there is more to blinks than meets the eye. Blinking is an essential part of our visual system and plays a crucial role in various cognitive processes. Let’s uncover the secrets of blinks and discover the science behind their frequency.

    What are eye blinks?

    Before we dive into the details, let’s define what an eye blink is. Blinking is the rapid closing and opening of our eyelids, usually occurring involuntarily and at regular intervals. It is estimated that an average blink lasts for about 100 to 150 milliseconds, and each blink is composed of both the closing and reopening phases of the eyelids.

    The average blink rate in adults

    On average, adults blink approximately 15 to 20 times per minute. This means that over the course of an hour, you would blink around 900 to 1200 times. However, it’s important to note that blink rates can vary from person to person and may be influenced by several factors.

    Factors that affect blink rate


    Blink rates can vary with age. Infants and young children tend to have higher blink rates compared to adults. As we grow older, the blink rate tends to decrease gradually.


    Research suggests that there may be a slight difference in blink rates between males and females. Some studies indicate that women tend to blink more frequently than men.


    The environment in which we find ourselves can influence our blink rate. For example, when we are engaged in activities that require intense focus, such as reading or working on a computer, our blink rate tends to decrease. Conversely, when we are in a relaxed state or surrounded by nature, our blink rate may increase.

    Eye Health

    Certain eye conditions, such as dry eyes, can affect blink rates. When our eyes are dry, our body instinctively responds by increasing the frequency of blinks to lubricate the surface of the eyes.


    Some medications, such as certain antidepressants or antipsychotics, can have an impact on blink rates. It’s always important to consult with a healthcare professional if you notice any significant changes in your blink rate after starting a new medication.

    Why do we blink?

    Blinking serves various purposes beyond simply moistening the eyes. One primary function of blinking is to spread tears across the surface of the eye, keeping it moist and preventing it from drying out. Blinking also helps to remove any foreign particles or irritants that may have come into contact with the eye.

    Blinking and cognitive processes

    Now that we understand the basics of blinking, let’s explore how to blink rates can be linked to our cognitive processes.

    Blink rate and attention span

    Research has shown that blink rates can be indicative of our attention span. When our attention is fully focused on a task, our blink rate tends to decrease. Conversely, when our mind wanders or we become less engaged, our blink rate may increase. Monitoring blink rates could potentially provide insights into an individual’s level of attention and concentration.

    Blink rate and memory

    Studies have also investigated the relationship between blink rates and memory. It has been observed that individuals tend to blink less frequently during memory retrieval tasks, suggesting that reduced blink rates are associated with heightened cognitive engagement and improved memory performance.

    Blink rate and decision-making

    The speed of our blink rates can even be influenced by the decision-making process. When faced with complex or challenging decisions, individuals tend to blink less frequently. This finding suggests that blink rates may provide valuable information about the cognitive effort involved in decision-making.

    Blink rate and emotional states

    Have you ever noticed that your blink rate changes when you experience different emotions? Research has found that blink rates can vary depending on our emotional state.

    happy boy blinking his eyes with joy
    a young boy expresses his joy through delightful eye blinks.

    During positive emotions, such as happiness or amusement, our blink rate tends to increase. On the other hand, negative emotions, like sadness or fear, can lead to a decrease in blink rates. These findings suggest that blink rates may serve as a nonverbal cue in understanding someone’s emotional state.

    Blink rate and communication

    Beyond their role in cognitive processes and emotional states, blink rates also play a part in our social interactions and communication.

    Blinking in social interactions

    Blinking behavior can influence social dynamics. In conversation, the person who blinks less frequently is often perceived as more dominant or in control. Conversely, individuals who blink more often may be seen as submissive or less confident. The frequency of blinks can subtly impact how others perceive us during social interactions.

    Blinking in deception detection

    Blink rates have also been studied in the context of deception detection. When someone is lying, they may exhibit changes in blink rates compared to their baseline blink rate. These changes can serve as potential indicators of deception, although it’s important to note that other factors should be considered when assessing truthfulness.

    Abnormal blink rates and associated conditions

    In some cases, abnormal blink rates may be linked to certain medical or neurological conditions. Conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, Tourette syndrome, or certain types of seizures can cause involuntary eye blinking or rapid eye movements. If you notice any significant changes in your blink rate or experience other concerning symptoms, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional.

    Tips for maintaining a healthy blink rate

    Maintaining a healthy blink rate is essential for eye health and overall well-being. Here are some tips to help you ensure a healthy blink rate:

    take regular breaks - how many blinks
    don’t forget to give your eyes a break! taking regular breaks from computer work can help maintain eye health.
    1. Take regular breaks when working on tasks that require intense visual focus, such as reading or using a computer.
    2. Practice the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and focus on an object that is at least 20 feet away.
    3. Ensure proper lighting and reduce glare on screens to minimize eye strain.
    4. Stay hydrated to prevent dry eyes, as dehydration can impact blink rates.
    5. If you wear contact lenses, follow proper hygiene practices and avoid wearing them for extended periods.

    Did you know: A woman’s brain actually can shrink during pregnancy?


    In conclusion, blinking is far from being a mundane action of our eyes. It is intricately connected to our cognitive processes, emotional states, and social interactions. The average person blinks around 15 to 20 times per minute, but this rate can be influenced by various factors such as age, gender, environment, eye health, and medications. Understanding the science behind blink rates provides us with valuable insights into our attention, memory, decision-making, and communication.

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